Exploring the Use of Herbal Patches
More and more patients agree that acupuncture for pain and inflammation is a wis…
More and more patients agree that acupuncture for pain and inflammation is a wis…
不少長期病患者會向中醫求診,接受針灸或吃中藥,但尚未認識到還有一個選擇,就是三伏貼——天灸療法。 “天灸”的做法是將中藥研末調成糊狀,敷貼在穴位或患處,通過刺激…
Many chronic disease patients often consult TCM Practitioners, get acupuncture t…
越來越多患者認同,尋求中醫針灸治療痛症,是十分明智的選擇,比較服食消炎止痛藥,往往得到更快更持久的果效。 一般說到 “針灸”,大部份人都只想到是針刺穴位,事實上…
Allergic rhinitis can be very annoying. It causes recurrent nasal itchiness, sne…