Acupuncture is well known to have obvious and rapid therapeutic effects on a variety of pain problems. This practice is performed for a diverse, ever-expanding range of illnesses or injuries. By inserting needles into corresponding acupuncture points and applying acupuncture techniques, the patient can feel sore, numb, swollen, weight and other acupuncture sensations on the affected areas. These sensations pass along a certain path, to dredge the meridians, invigorate qi and increase blood flow, and adjust yin and yang.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
(Our clinics strictly selects well-proven scientifically concentrated traditional Chinese medicine granules)
The processing of decoction and concentration of traditional Chinese medicine by modern technology not only retains all the effective ingredients of the medicine, but also completely removes all microorganisms, pesticides and heavy metals. It is very convenient for patients to dispense with the steps and time spent on decoction and bring along the granules wherever they go and take them at their convenience.
Through the use of heat or air extraction, the air in the cups are that placed on the skin forms a negative pressure and suction, hence producing stimulation and congestion on the skin in order to achieve the purpose of healing. Cupping can help to clear meridians, invigorate qi and increase blood flow, reduce swelling and pain, and dispel wind from the body.
Use a tool (ox horns, jade, cupping) to scrape repeatedly on the skin at the corresponding position until the skin appears purple, in order to clear the meridians, increase blood flow, clear blood stasis and enhance blood circulation.
Tuina Massage
Based on the principles and philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine practitioners use fingers to apply pressure to stimulate certain parts of the body, meridians and acupoints. It is effective in relieving numbness and various pains, healing and preventing illnesses and diseases, as well as preventing disease and strengthening the immune system.
Registered Massage Therapy
Registered massage therapists use a variety of techniques such as manual therapy and joint loosening to help patients relieve muscle tension, increase joint flexibility and recover from injuries. It is clinically proven to be safe and effective in relieving discomfort caused by stress, muscle overuse, and chronic pain.